
Thursday, January 13, 2011

where to start?

i'm currently sitting in our new apartment listening to my husband attempt to put together a t.v. stand in the next room. say what? oh yeah, i have a husband now. and our own cute little apartment. 
i'm literally obsessed with our apartment. it's impossible to be anything but happy in this place. which is just what i was going for. i'll post pictures sooon.

we ended 2010 right and started our life together on december 18th in the salt lake city temple.
it was truly the most amazing day.

perfect weather ("perfect" as in it didn't snow)
all our favorite people in one place
we got to spend most of our day inside the most beautiful temple
delicious food
great music
an amazing photographer
plus i had my best friend by my side all day

i so wish i had pictures to post but they'll be here in t-minus 7ish days.

needless to say, 2010 was without a doubt one of the greatest years of our life.
and yes, here are a few highlights.

- i got to spend a summer in the pool with cute kiddos all day long
- ben ventured to fresno on memorial day weekend to meet the family. 
- i got to go to idaho for the fourth of july.
- tay and logan got MARRIED.
- which means brooklyn, and taylor and i. all in san luis obispo. together.
- brooke and stephanie surprised taylor, ally, and i during the darkness of winter semester in rexburg. it was amazing to say the least.
- ben graduated! (oh and with a 3.9 in econ finance...baffles me)
- he then got a legit job with the bank of commerce. (if you want he can even get you a special B.O.C pen. ha)
- spent a few weeks teaching swimming lessons in draper.
- 8-20-10. engaged. thanksgiving point. amazing.
- successfully completely fall semester with the most hysterical roommates.
- started my life with my best friend.
- spent 4 days in park city on our honeymoon. so amazing. plus we got a legit suite the was supposed to belong to a mr. and mrs. jessen. the hotel had a little "mix-up" that worked out in our favor. boom shakka lakka.
-clare-bear put together the most BEAUTIFUL reception in fresno. seriously guys. i can't wait to post pictures when i get them. 

it's gonna be a great year. i can feel it.

i'll refrain from getting too mushy but seriously i scored big time and have a rockstar of a husband. i ask myself daily how i managed to get so lucky.

ok, that is all.

and since i don't have wedding pics here are a few random pictures i just uploaded from my camera. in no specific order.

guitars unplugged

honeymoon in park city. beautiful.

christmas eve. didn't let go of this little guy once.

driving through the night to get to fresno. 
14 hours. 

these next few are just to remind us of warmer days.


brooke said...

"the future of byui" hahahahahaha hilarious.

that last picture is to die for!! i miss laying in the grass with you so much.
Looks like fun al pal! i love you!

andy & lo said...

you guys are so gorgeous!
i can't wait to see apartment pictures :)

Lauren Caleen Torres said...

Congratulations Alex! I am so excited for you and I can't wait to see wedding pictures :)

Jamie Bullock said...

Glad you had such an amazing wedding day! Ok, the hotel mix up- legit.

Kelsey said...

love that you finally posted! p.s. how can i get a b.o.c. pen?!

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