
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

it's baaaack

our internet that is. 
it took a two month hiatus.
not gonna lie, it was pretty rough not having internet. 
kind of awesome to not have the distraction, but mostly rough. 

anywho, i forgot about this little blog of ours. 
it's been neglected, the poor thing. 
lots has happened since our last post.

we had our first snow (which luckily did NOT stick).
fall ARRIVED!!! 
halloween came and went. we were super heros. ha.
kim kardashian got divorced... 
(which now makes me feel terrible for making ben sit through four hours of her wedding special).
horkleys changed their name. i'm devastated to say the least. read more here.
ben and i found out we could go to fresno for christmas. i almost peed my pants. 
i got my beloved iphone back. i finally succeeded in convincing ben to switch carriers. plus we get a discount because i am in the social work field (jigga jigga whaaat?)
and i got a new job. 

so it's been a good couple of months and i am kind of falling in love with my little life here in idaho.
i now work for a company called rehabilitative health services. i work with adults who have moderate to sever mental illnesses. sounds kind of freaky at first, and for the first two weeks i may have come home crying each night. BUT now that i am getting the hang of things i am truly loving my job. i have about 12 on my case load so they definitely keep me busy busy.
the benjer is loving his job as well. and he does such a great job.

our home is slooooowly making progress. 
slowly. we get around to a new project once every few weeks so it will be a while until the decorating progress comes to an end. mainly, i just love having a place to truly call home with ben. besides my parents house. because, let's be honest, that will always be home.

welp. here are a few pictures from halloween! we had so much fun taking some of our nieces and nephews trick-or-treating. 
ben's parents also had a pumpkin carving contest at their house. our mickey pumpkin didn't work out so well. oh year we'll carve something cool. 
and the last few pics are from our night babysitting cute little gavin. can't get enough of that boy.

p.s. i am SO excited about christmas this year! i am dying. i can't wait to get our christmas tree. 
and is it weird that  i really want the justin beiber christmas cd?
because i do. 

happy wednesday blog friends.