why did i not hop on this bandwagon sooner?
who knew dancing to shakira for an hour could be so exhilarating?
i've started going twice a week with rachel and my sitster-in-law nicole.
i'm fairly certain we have perfected our shimmee (shimmy?).
anyways, if you live in the area you have to try it.
the instructor we go to is a rockstar and so much fun.
oh hey, it's the weekend!
this week flew by.
this weekend we have plans to go to the RODEO. ha. and we are going to rigby days tomorrow with bens family. it should be a real treat. haha.mainly i'm just excited to hang with all out cutie nieces and nephews.
on another note,
ben and i are trying to plan our trip to d.c. at the beginning of next year.
maybe the planning is a bit premature but i'm really REALLY excited.
so...for those of you who have been, any hotel suggestions?
we preferably want to stay close to the heart of d.c. or close to capitol hill.
this usually tends to me expensive so does anyone one know of decent hotels that aren't too bad price-wise? any help would be greatly appreciated.
happy weekend!
p.s. has anyone else been following the casey anthony trial?
i literally cannot stop watching.
i may or may not be having nightmares for the next few months or so.