
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

family night

for family home evening we can almost always be found at the park. 
pizza, diet coke and letting sam roam around the grass is our thing. 
these are from a few weeks ago but i just love these pictures of our little family. 
sam was not into the swings at first but warmed up quickly!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

rigby lake

on saturday we decided to head out to rigby lake for the first time this year!
while i don't really consider rigby lake to be an actual "lake" is still fun to go out as a family and play around with sammy boy. he was a little unsure about the water at first but ended up (kind of) liking it. 
although, i guess i didn't give him that long decide. 
i'm a bit freaked out by lake water so i didn't really let him soak in it that long. 
but it was still fun nonetheless:)
we decided that next time we need to bring a little portable pop up grill and have a bbq. a family in front of us was doing that and it look delish. maybe next saturday!

Friday, July 5, 2013

happy fourth!

i love the fourth of july!
good food, good weather, good company and fireworks. 
this year was especially fun because it was sam's first fourth and everyone knows holidays are just way more fun when you have a baby. 
we had planned on going to a parade in the morning, but the night before we did a neighborhood fireworks show and sam was up way past his bedtime. 
so when he slept in the next morning we decided to let him sleep and hit up mickey d's for breakfast when we woke up. 
it was actually kind of fun to ditch the parade and go to breakfast with our little family. 

we went to lunch with ben's parents in the afternoon and then walked around the green belt in idaho falls for a bit. 

that evening we headed out to menan, idaho. we went to their firework show last year and i was seriously blown away. 
i think it is one of idaho's best kept secrets (or maybe it's not a secret?). 
but this tiny little town in idaho puts on the BEST fourth of july celebration. 
we walked around the booth's for a while and, of course, got some kettle corn (my favorite!), a funnel cake, and dinner. 
we then scouted out a good spot on the field and hung out with the kiddos until the fireworks started. 
of course sam passed out right in the middle of the fireworks (that kid can sleep through anything) but he actually loved the first half. 
i thought be might lose it because usually he hates loud noises but he proved me wrong. i'm pretty sure i watched him watching the fireworks instead of watching the fireworks myself. 
we had a great day together celebrating america!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

grandma & grandpa's visit

my parent's just left last night and we are all feeling a little blue around here. i always have such a hard time when they leave. this visit was especially fun because of the stage that sam is in right now. that little boy has grandma and grandpa wrapped around his chubby little finger. 
he was loving playing games with grandpa and grandpa and wanted to be held/crawl all over them 24/7. 
we had so much fun having them around all week. 
and i got to sleep in every. single day. 
i woke up at eight and sam was fed, bathed and ready for the day all before i was awake. 
it was glorious. 
while my parents were here were made a visit to the idaho falls zoo (which was surprisingly bigger than i thought it would be). ben got this day off so it was especially nice having my mom and dad AND ben all to ourselves for the day. 
after the zoo we headed to five guys and picked up some cupcakes from the cocoa bean to take home (naturally). 

we also took mom and dad into rexburg for some snow cones and to take sam to the park but of course sam conked out after snow cones so we had to scratch the park. but the weather was perfect so we just took our time and enjoyed out snow cones outside for a while. 

 (this picture seriously kills me. he was CLEARLY loving this.)

 a while back i inherited my mom's old sewing machine when she upgraded to a new one. i have been wanting to learn how to sew for a while now but just haven't found the time. while she was here we took my sewing machine into a sewing store and my mom had them give it a tune up so she could start teaching me how to sew. she spent so much of her time here teaching me how to sew and i am SO grateful. seriously though, i think my mind was in sewing overdrive. the first night they were here i seriously could not sleep because i was having dreams about bobbins and pressure feet. she was so patient with my while i was learning and we spent lots of time perfecting the perfect bow tie pattern. i now have our guest bedroom set up as a sewing room. i can't wait:)

while they were here we also ate lots of yummy food, enjoyed many trips to target, and loved going into idaho falls with sammy boy to visit dad in his new office. 
i love my parent's more than anything and sam loves them even more than that. i hate that he doesn't have anyone to entertain him in the backseat now:( 
we had so much fun with them and can't wait till the whole family is back in september for sam's first birthday!
i'm already planning his party.