
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2013

friday night walks

there are times when ben and i both get really nostalgic for byui. 
idaho and that school will always hold a special place in our hearts. 
we want to take advantage of this place while we still live here. 
ben's dad had told us that they had been doing a lot of renovations on campus and changing a lot of the landscaping. 
so friday night when the weather was perfect we drove up to rexburg and took a little family walk around campus. 
it was beautiful. 
i love that place. and sammy boy was mesmerized by all the little waterfalls and streams. 

(sorry, the trusty iphone pictures will have to do)

 {i just love my little family}

Thursday, May 26, 2011

good words & happy {almost} weekend

image via pinterest

ben and i are taking off tonight for a long weekend in utah. 
we're so excited. 
family. sun. babies. bbq's. swimming. and most importantly, 
can't wait!
i hope everyone enjoys their time off.
have a safe, happy, sunny, and fun-filled memorial day weekend!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

happy weekend

and we couldn't be happier. this week went by absurdly slow. 
we went to dinner+movie with some friends last night. 
(adjustment bureau is amazing.)
and now we're ready for a lazy saturday. 
i hope everyone has a fabulous EASTER weekend. 
i've stocked up on peeps and will eat myself into a food coma. 
but who wouldn't? it's the only holiday where it's legal to eat sugar coated marshmallows for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

also, this is officially my dream home. 
if you have seen it, know someone who has seen it, or know where it is TELL ME.
i'll give you all the money to my name plus all my peeps.
p.s. i got bored at work the other day and, naturally, start flipping through the course catalogue.
lo and behold..look who i find.
who knew benny was such a little model.