
Sunday, May 12, 2013

mother's day

this mother's day is a special one for me because it is my first mother's day as a mom. 
becoming a mom has been the greatest blessing i could ever possible receive! 
i have never felt so fulfilled and so happy. 
i am so blessed to be my sweet boys mom. 
i now have a greater and deeper appreciation for my own mom and for my mother in law. 
i have no idea what i would do without either of them. 
my own mom taught me how to be patient and selfless and i am so grateful for my mother in law for raising such a wonderful son. 
 last year for mothers day i spoke in my ward about the importance of mothers and referenced this quote that has now become a favorite of mine:

"Motherhood is the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life. The mother's image is the first that stamps itself on the unwritten page of the young child's mind. It is her caress that first awakens a sense of security; her kiss, the first realization of affection; her sympathy and tenderness, the first assurance that there is love in the world."
-david o. mckay

i watched this video last night and lost it. 

this poem has also become a favorite of mine. 

I am your parent you are my child
I am your quiet place, you are my wild
I am your calm face, you are my giggle
I am your wait, you are my wiggle
I am your audience, you are my clown
I am your London Bridge, you are my falling down
I am your Carrot Sticks, you are my licorice
I am your dandelion, you are my first wish
I am your water wings, you are my deep
I am your open arms, you are my running leap
I am your way home, you are my new path
I am your dry towel, you are my wet bath
I am your dinner you are my chocolate cake
I am your bedtime, you are my wide awake
I am your finish line, you are my race
I am your praying hands, you are my saving grace
I am your favourite book, you are my new lines
I am your nightlight, you are my sunshine
I am your lullaby, you are my peek-a-boo
I am your kiss goodnight, you are my I love you

happy mothers day to all the moms out there!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

eight months

eight months!
sam, i can't believe you how quickly you are growing right before my eyes. 
you become more and more independent every single day!
it's nuts. 
yes this week you started army crawling...scooting your little body all the way across the room to get the toy you had been eyeing. 
i have never been so excited as i was watching you hit this new milestone. 
although it is sometimes bittersweet to watch, you dad and i are also over the moon watching you learn new things and seeing the look of accomplishment on your face is priceless. 
i have to say, eight months is looking good on you sweet boy. your dad jokes that i say this about every stage...but i think this age might actually be my favorite so far. 
you have such personality (and sometimes a little bit of attitude) and you love getting people to smile or laugh. such a flirt. 
you are happy as a little clam each morning when i go in to get you from your crib or your nap and i can't get enough. 
your dad is a little upset because in the past month you have become bit of a mama's boy (no complaints here:). you have started reaching for mom when other people are holding you. but you still love your daddy. 
as soon as 6 o'clock rolls around and he walks through the door you cannot get into his arms fast enough.
your new favorite toy is your stacking rings. 
whenever we want to get you to army crawl all we have to do is put those in front of you and off you go. 
you are such a snuggle bug in the morning right when you wake up and in the evening right before you go to bed. we love that!


sam at eight months:

- still sleeping through the nights. 8 pm - 7 am
- starting to wean himself from his binkie. rarely takes it anymore. 
- loves falling asleep in mom or dads arms. (i know, i know. technically you're not supposed to rock your baby to sleep blah blah blah. but i love doing it and he loves it. we're all happy)
- favorite toys are stacking rings and blocks. i stack the blocks for him, he knocks them over. repeated 679483 times. he loves it!
- loves playing peek a boo and has gotten so good!
- is now army crawling! go sammy boy. although when i let him do his thing i usually watch as he gets himself wedged into a corner. (see last picture) we're working on that. 
- can reach octaves only dogs can hear when he squeals. i don't understand how his voice can go that high. it's hilarious. 
- LOVES going on walks. we usually go for a walk in the morning and then again at night when dad comes home. 
- wearing 6-12 month clothes. 
-developed some acid reflux but was put on medicine and it seems to be doing much better. 
-still has the most sensitive skin of all time. but now that the weather is warming up and isn't so dry it is getting much better. 
- has mastered the wet, slobbery baby kiss. and it melts my heart every single time. 

we love you, sam. stay this sweet forever, ok?

Monday, May 6, 2013

sam's nursery

i am really only updating/re-doing this post for my purpose. 
the first time i wrote about sam's little space, i only had iphone pictures to show for it because my camera was out of commission. 
so i am updating with better pictures because i always want to be able to remember sam's room. 
i love this room. ben and i both agree that it is our favorite room in our house.
we love that sam his own little corner in our home filled with books, toys, and everything all his own. 

i also love that his room is baby friendly without being too "baby". i wanted something that he could grow into. 
anyways, the majority of our time together is spent in this sweet little space. 

also, we still need to fill one of the picture frames (working on it) and the two boys in the picture frames on the right are ben's dad when he was a boy and my dad when he was a boy. i love having their pictures incorporated into sammy boys bedroom. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

sunday best

my handsome little mister. 
is there anything cuter than a baby boy in a bow tie?
i can't handle it. 

you have my heart forever, sam.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

this boy loves his baseball

on our last night in fresno we decided to head out to a grizzlies game. 
i know the grizzlies are only a minor league baseball team but for some reason i love going to those games!
don't get me wrong, i wish we could have squeezed in an A's game while we were there. 
but this was just as fun, in my opinion. 
and sam loved it!
i seriously CANNOT wait until sam is old enough to play little league. 
i will be the mom screaming obnoxiously on the sidelines. and i make no apologies about it. 
ben also can't wait to teach sam how to play baseball and spend endless hours playing catch with his outside. 
some of his best childhood memories come from the years he played little league. 
his whole family talks about his good ben was at baseball and how fun he was to watch. 
so fingers crossed that sammy boy inherits those genes. 

anyways, the game was so much fun and the food was great. 
who doesn't love a baseball game on a summer night with some greasy food and kettle corn?

and a few iphone photos