
Thursday, November 15, 2012

i mean, not to brag or anything.

i understand that i am biased. but i have the cutest baby on the planet. 

sammy boy. two months.

can someone please tell me how to freeze time? 
i can't believe that sam has already hit the two month mark. 
i am packing away his newborn clothes today and am not ok with it. 
however, he is at such a fun stage! he smiles constantly. 
his biggest smiles are when dad comes home (what the heck?)
although he will smile and even throw in a few laughs when i sing to him. 
still not sure if he is laughing at me or with me. 

we love our little man and can't imagine life without him. 

stats at two months

- now 11 lbs 3.5 oz! CHUNK!
-grew three inches since your last appointment. hoping for a tall boy like dad. 
-loves to eat and oddly loves to be burped. 
-can fall asleep in any position. it's kind of adorable. 
-loves car rides. 
-still unsure about tummy time. you usually just bury your head in the ground and grunt until i pick you up. still working on that one. 
-now sleeping through the night! hallelujah! 
-we moved you into your own room this week and you're doing great. 
-had your two month shots. worst day of my life but you handled it like a champ. 
-now in 0-3 month clothes. 
-experienced your first halloween. i dressed you like a pumpkin, naturally, and you will probably forever resent me for it. 
-loves books!
-you rarely cry. you just grunt when you want something, kind of odd, but i'm not complaining. 
-makes the most adorable cooing sounds. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

enjoying the journey + a video

i recently stumbled across this quote.

i often find myself thinking and worrying about the future so much that i forget to enjoy what i have right now. where will ben go to grad school? and when? where will we settle down? when will we sell our home? these are all questions that i worry about on a daily basis. i'll be the first to admit, idaho was the last place i thought i would find myself once i graduated from school and got married. however, it turns out our little life here is perfect for us right now. i have everything i could ever need right now. sam is at such a perfect and cute little age. he is also at a stage in his life where he is looking different each day and growing each day. it terrifies me to think that i could miss out on this fragile stage of his life waiting for "better days" ahead. i'm not entirely sure what the lord has in store for us in the future, but i have faith in his timing and know that right now i have it pretty great. sure, there are a million places that i would be thrilled to live.  and this isn't to say that i'm not still so excited about our future. but what i am realizing is that happiness is not dictated by how close i live to a beach or how many target stores are in a 5 mile radius of my home. so much of our happiness depends on the people we choose to surround ourselves with and the 2 boys i've got by my side are pretty great:)

speaking of happy people, 
we can't get enough of this smiley boy lately.