
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


can i just say that july 22, 2011 will be one of the best days of my life!
this semester has been one of the most time-consuming of my college career. 
we haven't even had a second to run to the grocery store. 
which has resulted in me substituting meals with string cheese and pickles.
yet i have somehow found time to blog.
i never said my priorities were in line.

for family night on monday we headed decided to check out the best triple a baseball idaho falls has to offer...
the idaho falls chuckars. 
i'm still having a difficult time figuring out what a "chuckar" is. 
by no means was it an A's or a dodgers game, but it was AWESOME.
ben and i are so grateful that we have family near by. 
we absolutely love spending time with them. 
i legitimately never stop laughing when i am around ben and his brothers.

please watch this video and try not to smile (or, in our case, cry).
it's nearly impossible.
i have so much respect for those families with parents overseas fighting for our country.

clare bear and kevin get here in t-minus 22 days!
we're SO SO SO excited!!!
happy wednesday!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

homework break, a few late words to the fathers

i hate that i haven't had a free second since sunday to give a shout out to my amazing dad, father-in-law and husband in honor of fathers day. 
and simply typing down my thoughts on a blog seems extremely inadequate. 
but here it goes. 
i truly have the best dad on the planet. 
and no one can convince me otherwise. 
every single dance recital, soccer game, mock trial shin dig, everything; he's been there. 
he gives the BEST advice and i know that i can always come to him with anything. 
he always puts others before himself. 
i can't even tell you how many times my dad has stayed up with me until 2 or 3 in the morning to finish a school project. 
he's a worthy priesthood holder and his testimony of the gospel has always been evident through his actions. 
and i am so grateful or that. 
i love you, dad. and have no idea what i would do without you. 

about 6 months ago i acquired another father figure. 
i've said it a million times but i seriously lucked out on the in-law situation. 
kerry is an amazing father as well. 
and i am so grateful for that because ben would not be the man he is today if it weren't for his dad. 
plus he's hysterical. 
and he teaches at byui and sometimes takes me out to lunch on campus. 

although we don't have children yet, i constantly fear that our children will love ben more than me. 
he's that awesome.
i have no doubt ben will be the best dad. 
i can already see it in the way his nieces and nephews adore him. 
i think fatherhood will look great on him. 
i'm real excited. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

our weekend in photos plus some good news

 free chocolate milk from a carton? some say sketchy. i say awesome. 
i didn't get sick so we're good.

-good news #1:
parentals come in approximately 6 weeks for graduation. and then it's back home to fresno for a little bit!
so excited!!
i'll get to teach swimming for the tale end of the summer and spend some quality time with the family. 
it's gonna grrrreat.
except ben has to work and can't come. which is a major THUMBS DOWN. 
so this could potentially be real rough.  
-good news #2:
the mr. and i will be celebrating 6 months of wedded bliss this coming saturday. 
i never anticipated becoming one of those girls who celebrates every.single.possible milestone in a relationship.
but i have, and i'm embracing it. 
we've got a hot date planned and now the week is going by soo slow.
-good news #3: 
the fourth of july is right around the corner. 
second favorite holiday right there. 
old navy flag tee's will be purchased in the very near future. 
-good news #4:
target is rocking the shoe department right now and i scored some awesome flats this week. 
so head on over ASAP and check out the goods. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

i've caught the fever

why did i not hop on this bandwagon sooner?
who knew dancing to shakira for an hour could be so exhilarating?
i've started going twice a week with rachel and my sitster-in-law nicole. 
i'm fairly certain we have perfected our shimmee (shimmy?).
anyways, if you live in the area you have to try it.
the instructor we go to is a rockstar and so much fun.

oh hey, it's the weekend!
this week flew by.
this weekend we have plans to go to the RODEO. ha. and we are going to rigby days tomorrow with bens family. it should be a real treat. haha.mainly i'm just excited to hang with all out cutie nieces and nephews.

on another note, 
ben and i are trying to plan our trip to d.c. at the beginning of next year. 
maybe the planning is a bit premature but i'm really REALLY excited. 
so...for those of you who have been, any hotel suggestions?
 we preferably want to stay close to the heart of d.c. or close to capitol hill.
this usually tends to me expensive so does anyone one know of decent hotels that aren't too bad price-wise? any help would be greatly appreciated. 

happy weekend!

p.s. has anyone else been following the casey anthony trial?
i literally cannot stop watching. 
i may or may not be having nightmares for the next few months or so.

Monday, June 6, 2011

memorial day weekend, pinterest

these are way too late. 
and it has been far too long since i last blogged. 
but school is dominating.
i'm gonna keep this short and sweet and let the pictures do most of the talking. 
memorial weekend was perfect. 
got my ben time, my whitney time, my becky time, and my family time. 

 just in case you were wondering about alternate uses for a bumbo..

hope you all had a beautiful weekend as well:)
the end. 

why is pinterest so awesome??
i'm obsessed. 
i previously used to save pictures to an "inspiration" file on my desktop. it wasn't organized so i had to sift through a bazillion pictures to find what i was looking for. 
enter pinterest.

some recent pinterest finds..


happy monday!